News and events
The 1st European Ovarian Workshop (EOW) brought together numerous scientists and practitioners in the field of female fertility preservation. This issue is a key focus of the POLONEZ BIS project, making participation in such events essential.
Dr. Taisiia Yurchuk attended the workshop, which took place in Lagos, Portugal, from February 17–20, where she presented her latest research
IGF-1, EGF and dbcAMP orchestration for gap-junction restoration between oocytes and cumulus cells”.
The reported results are very important for understanding the potential effect of the growth factors and regulatory molecules on the repairment of damaged gap-junction between oocytes an CCs which may occur during manipulation with the gametes. Taking into account that CCs play crucial role in reaching oocyte competence and their maturity by transmitting of regulatory signals and metabolic molecules through the intercellular connection, the reconstruction of the COCs should be based on gap-junction restoration by growth factors orchestration.
After the European Ovarian Workshop, Dr. Taisiia Yurchuk began the practical phase of ovarian cryopreservation in Prof. Ramón Risco’s lab at the University of Seville, with the support of Dr. Juan Hernández-Medrano from the University of Calgary.
It was truly rewarding to transition from the inspiring results presented at the workshop to putting the idea into practice—visualizing cryoprotectant penetration in the ovary.
Society of Low Temperature Biology (SLTB) celebrates the 60th annual meeting.
This year it was organized at the University of Manchester. Dr Taisiia Yurchuk is being a
member of this society since 2016 where she was awarded with the first price for the poster
presentation. At SLTB meeting Dr. Taisiia Yurchuk presented a work intitled
Cryopreservation Impact on Transzonal Projection (TZP) Organization and mRNA
Expression of Cx43 and Cx37 in Immature Bovine Oocytes”. It was shown that cryopreservation
dramatically decreased the number of TZP in immature cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs)
(p˂0.001). Adding cumulus cells (CCs) during IVM of denuded oocytes (DOs) significantly increased
the number of TZP both in fresh and cryo groups (p˂0.05). Cryopreservation downregulated the
mRNA expression of connexin 37 in oocytes during IVM in COCs and DOs+CCs compared to fresh
groups, while in CCs it was upregulated in all groups after IVM excluding fresh COCs.
Summarizing above, cryopreservation of immature COCs adversely affects the CCs and
oocyte communication and could be partially improved by DO and CCs co-culture during IVM.
At the end of the meeting there was a member gathering session were new members of the
committee were elected. Dr. Yurchuk was appointed secretory of the SLTB society for next two

The Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) society gathers every year
practitioners and researchers in the field of Embryo Transfer, Assisted Reproduction,
Embryology and associated areas in domestic animals. This year Dr. Taisiia Yurchuk jointed
AETE annual meeting which was held in Brescia (Italy), 5-6 September. The work she presented
was titled: “Reconstruction of immature bovine cumulus oocyte complexes for IVM”. Dr.
Yurchuk presented the results of the study of the type of the culture system for restoration of
the gap junction between the oocyte and cumulus cells during IVM. She has shown that the
expression of the Cx 37 and 43 was upregulated in denuded oocyte most probably due to the
compensatory effect. Using in drop cumulus co-culture system allows to maintain the
expression level of connexins as it was in control. The plates with cell-repelling surface decrease
the meiosis resumption in oocyte co-cultured with cumulus cells in IVM media which can be use
in prolongation of the maturation step to gain oocyte competence.

The Summer School on Cryobiology was organized within the CryoStore project funding from the
European Union’s Horizon Europe programme, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions with the aim of training
and transferring modern knowledge and technologies in the field of cryobiology for the conservation of
animal biodiversity. This Summer school Summer School was held 21-26 August 2024 at the Leibniz
University Hannover (LUH) in Hannover, Germany, and was hosted by Prof. Birgit Glasmacher. Dr
Yurchuk as invited to give a gest lecture for CryoStore students as well for others who were interested
in conservation of animal genetic resources. During her lecture Dr. Taisiia Yurchuk shared her
knowledge and expertise in animal gametes an embryos cryopreservation as well as the results of the
studies she received during her Polonez BIS project. The friendly atmosphere that reigned during the
school and the curiosity of the students provoked interesting discussions, which is undoubtedly
important for a deep understanding of the problem and finding its solution.

Popularization of science is one of the missions of every scientist. The younger generation actively absorbs a huge amount of information and is fertile ground for the germination of grains of scientific knowledge. For this purpose, Dr. Taisiia Yurchuk held a science day for children from Ukraine forced to leave their homes as a result of war in their home country. During the event, children learned about such a fairly young science as cryobiology and what it studies, learned about what Dr. Yurchuk is working on, saw how scientists work, tried to practice working with laboratory equipment, and took part in experiments with liquid nitrogen. The children were delighted with everything that was happening, asked many interesting questions and are looking forward to a new meeting.
Dr. Yurchuk and co-authors have invented a new approach for cryopreservation of immature GV oocytes and published a paper entitled: New Approach to the Cryopreservation of GV Oocytes and Cumulus Cells through the Lens of Preserving the Intercellular Gap Junctions Based on the Bovine Model
The authors declare that despite vitrification being the most effective method for oocytes it can cause severe damage to the cumulus cells surrounding them. Considering that interactions between the cumulus cells and oocytes are significant for further in vitro maturation Dr. Yurchuk and co-authors suggested cryopreserving these two types of cells separately by different methods with subsequent co-culture after warming.
All the details you can find out here:

One of the tasks of POLONEZ BIS is to develop the research career of the program fellows. In this regard, Dr. Taisiia Yurchuk took part in the 2-month EIT Food We Lead Food program, which is part of the RIS Professional Development program. Within the framework of it, the participants had the opportunity not only to listen to lectures given by coaches and leading specialists in various areas of business and Food industry, but also had the opportunity to participate in various practical activities aimed at increasing the effectiveness of team management and its effective development, motivating their employees, developing entrepreneurial competencies, leadership qualities and systemic mind ship.
Dr Taisiia Yurchuk participated in the 59th meeting of the Society of Low Temperature of Biology (SLTB) which took place on September 19-22 at the University of Vigo. Dr Yurchuk reported the efficiency of using direct in straw thawing of bovine embryos after vitrification either in Cryotec or open pulled straws (OPS). She concluded that bovine embryos have higher rates of survival and development, as well as levels of embryonic cell DNA integrity, after vitrification in OPS and direct straw thawing compared to slow freezing. These finding can be useful for cattle breeding centers.
The organizers of the meeting, led by Dr. Estefania Paredes, held a photo contest dedicated to Cryobiology. Dr. Yurchuk's photo taken in Poland at the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Products of the Polish Academy of Sciences was awarded 3rd place.
2023- 09-04
Prof. Dariusz J. SKARZYNSKI and Prof. Kiyoshi OKUDA organized 5th seminar "Cutting-edge Reproductive: Bridges to the Future of Research and Cooperation" for the development of scientific and research cooperation between the Polish and Japanese Academies of Sciences, which was held on September 4-6 at Iwate University in Marioka, Japan. Representatives of both Academies of Sciences made reports on common subjects. Thus, in the section "Oogenesis and development of embryos of early stages of development", Dr. Taisiia YURCHUK (Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the PAN) made a report together with Kanako MOROHAKU (Shinshu University) and Takashi FUJII (Iwate University) and Dr. Piotr PAWLAK (Poznan University of Life Science). The title of Dr. YURCHUK presentation was “Recent progress in bovine embryo cryopreservation for cattle breeding and provoked many interesting questions and discussions”. She reported about the achievements of the development of animal husbandry with the use of assisted reproductive technologies and cryotechnologies in recent years. According to the annual International Embryo Technology Society (IETS) statistics the data of the embryo industry on the four most representative farm animal species increase every year, with more than 2 million embryos collected in 2021. The most remarkable increase occurred in cattle breeding. Over 1.5 million in vitro-produced (IVP) embryos were recorded, an increase of 31.5% compared with 2020 (1,521,018 vs. 1,156,422, respectively). Despite the embryos produced in vitro are 80% of the whole amount there are have low cryotolerance. Therefore, Dr. YURCHUK proposed two main strategies to overcome the problems that seek better and more stable results regarding the cryopreservation of IVP embryos. The first refers to the induction of modifications in embryo cells so that they become more cryotolerant, such as changes in culture conditions to minimize high lipid content. The other refers to changes in cryopreservation methods, such as changes in the concentration and type of cryoprotectant, and changes in cooling times and temperatures. Then, Dr. YURCHUK reported her own results after using different methods of cryopreservation of IVP embryos. Dr. FUJII, Dr. MOROHAKU and Dr. PAWLAK reported about differences between IVP and in vivo derived embryos and the improvement of their culture conditions. Common subject in the researches sparked interesting questions and discussion among delegates.
We hope for further fruitful research cooperation established by Prof. D. SKARZYNSKI and Prof. K. OKUDA 20 year ago.
Dr Yurchuk participated in the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology meeting - ESHRE 2023 and presented the poster "Are cumulus cells required during in vitro maturation of human oocytes at the germinal vesicle stage?"
Study question: Does the presence of cumulus cells affect the in vitro maturation (IVM) rate of human oocytes at the germinal vesicle (GV) stage obtained in vivo?
Summary answer: The oocyte maturation and fertilization rates are higher in the presence of cumulus cells (CC) comparing with their absence in the culture system.
What is known already: According to the ESHRE guidelines IVM is currently not considered experimental, but nevertheless it is not very often used in reproductive medicine clinics. Accumulated data of more than 30 years of existence of IVM method can present to us how effective is the level of oocytes maturation in vitro obtained by aspiration follicles in vivo. Some studies reported that oocytes were matured after denudation, and in others they are cultured in cumulus oocyte complexes or in the presence of CC. Therefore a comparison of oocyte maturation at the GV stage with and without CC was performed in this study.

Participants/materials, setting, methods: Participants were women undergoing infertility treatment with IVM. All oocytes from the included studies were obtained by follicular aspiration in vivo.
Main results and the role of chance: A preliminary screening of the word combination “human oocyte in vitro maturation” yielded 355 results, from which 42 were original publications with full-text. Selected papers included a full description of the stimulation protocol, maturation medium, and the group of immature oocytes consisted of gametes only at the GV stage. A total of 24,649 GV oocytes were examined for IVM rate. The average of oocyte maturity was 61.5 ±10.7%. However, the distribution of oocyte maturation . data depending on the presence or absents of CC in the culture media. The maturation rate was higher in oocytes with cumulus cells than in denuded oocytes without cumulus (64.7% vs 53.5%, respectively, p<0.05). The fertilisation rate had the same tendency (69.2% vs. 59.5%, p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference between the groups in embryo development up to the cleavage stage (74.9% vs 76.5%, p>0.05). Unfortunately, there are very only a few studies that provide data on the more advanced . stages of embryo development as a blastocyst, which does not allow a large sample to be made for any IVM method.

T Yurchuk, V Piniaiev, M Petrushko. P-118 Are cumulus cells required during in vitro maturation of human oocytes at the germinal vesicle stage? a systematic review, Human Reproduction, Volume 38, Issue Supplement_1, June 2023, dead093.482,
Principal Investigator and the Mentor of the project participated in the Kick-off meeting organized by NCN for the POLONEZ BIS 2 call
Project Investigator organised workshorp and lecture "Is there life after -196?” for children and adults from Ukraine who ended up in Poland as a result of russian aggression.
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